Employee Wellness


Wellness Works – November

  • Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm

Virtual event

This is a virtual event. If you have questions about how to connect to the event, please contact the event host.

Presented by Marion Cate, MEd, MCHES©, ACE-CPT, CHC, Manager, Employee Wellness

Learn how to access the premier virtual wellness services available to you, as a Dartmouth Health System employee. We will explore services and resources available to you, cover key take-aways from the Employee Wellness Tips Newsletter, and check-in on upcoming events. This is an excellent session for both new and experienced employees, as well as leaders.

Stay connected through the Season of the Sticks and the holidays. Stay abreast of upcoming events and the special programs offered in November and December, including the 12 Days of Fitness, the Holiday Stretch and more. We will also review how to access the resources.

Wellness Works sept-jan flyer

Click HERE to register for this Webex Webinar.