Aging Resource Center Events


VIRTUAL The Parkinson’s Workshop

  • Wednesday, March 26, 2025
  • 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Virtual event

This is a virtual event. If you have questions about how to connect to the event, please contact the event host.


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Leaders: DH Neurology Department

This monthly gathering of people living with Parkinson’s Disease and their care partners provides information and strategies for managing a life with Parkinson’s. Each month, an expert in a new area of interest will discuss how to enhance quality of life while dealing with the impact of Parkinson’s Disease.
For information, contact
Registration for each meeting is required to receive the Zoom link.

2025                          Topic                                                               Speaker

January 22                New Parkinson’s Therapies                       Dr. Mary Feldman

February 26              Sleep and Parkinson’s Disease                  Dr. Stephen Lee

March 26                    LSVT BIG & LOUD                                     Alexandra Meredith-Le Roux, SLP; Anne O’Donnell, SLP; Emily Gottier, OT; Lauren                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Alexander
April 23                       PD and Exercises                                        Parminder K. Padgett, PT, DPT and Jenna Kazmaier, PT, DPT
(And a little pelvic health education)
May 28                       Caregiving 101                                              Kelly M. Farrell, MSW

June 25                      Medication Pumps for Parkinson’s           Dr. Rebecca Thompson

July 23                        Palliative Care for Parkinson’s                   Dr. Dax Vollea

August 27                    DBS/Focused Ultrasound                           Dr. Richard Xiaonan

September 24             Enhancing Brain Health in                        Dr. Robert Roth
Persons with Parkinson’s

October 22                   Psychiatric Manifestations                        Dr. Brian Rosen
of Parkinson’s

NOTE: Tuesday,          Comprehensive Medication Management    Elizabeth K. Morrow, RPH, PharmD, BCACP
November 18

December 24                NO CLASS

To register:

Complete the registration form on this page, or email, or call the Aging Resource Center at 603-653-3460.

You need to register to receive a Zoom link for this class 60 minutes before the class starts. The Zoom link will be sent directly to the email you registered with.