Aging Resource Center Events


VIRTUAL – Solo Seniors- How to Plan for Aging without Family Caregiver

  • Friday, November 1, 2024
  • 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Virtual event

This is a virtual event. If you have questions about how to connect to the event, please contact the event host.

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Leader: Renée A. Harvey, Esq.

Join attorney Renée Harvey, of Caldwell Law, for a discussion on the “elder orphan”. Research has found that approximately one quarter of Americans 65 years and above are aging alone without a spouse, adult children or relatives to rely on for assistance and company during senior years; the majority of them are women. Experts on geriatrics call these individuals “elder orphans.” Join us for a discussion of the personal and legal considerations involved in aging as a solo senior—and how to begin planning for tomorrow…today!

  • This program is available for livestreaming at the Aging Resource Center for people without devices or with unstable internet. 
  • If you are participating by Zoom, the link will be sent directly from the Aging Resource Center to the email you registered with about 60 minutes before the program starts.

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