Cheshire Medical Center Parent Education Events


Understanding Breastfeeding – In Person at Cheshire Medical Center

  • Tuesday, April 8, 2025
  • 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Cheshire Medical Center
580 Court St.
Keene, NH 03431
Cheshire Medical Center, Floor 1st floor, NCR 2

Google Maps directions

Register for Breastfeeding Class

6 Going
14 remaining

This class prepares expectant families for breastfeeding their new baby. Topics include mechanics of nursing, including latching and position, how to know the baby is getting enough milk and avoiding breastfeeding roadblocks. Taught by a Certified Lactation Consultant. This class is FREE and will be held in person in the North Conference Room 1 (enter the main lobby of Cheshire Medical Center, take the stairs down on your right. Proceed down that hallway and on your left will be the hallway leading to the North Conference Room).

If you need translation or interpreter services, please contact when you register for the class.