Leaders: Dementia Resource Team
Starting Tuesday, February 18th 2-4 pm.
DATES: February 18, 25, and March 4, 11, 18, and 25 from 2 to 4 pm.
The Savvy Caregiver is a 6-week evidence-based training program for caregivers who care for someone with Alzheimer’s or related dementias. Caregivers will be encouraged to learn, develop and modify their strategies so they can accomplish their role of caregiving- which includes the contented involvement of the person they care for. We strive to provide a safe space for people to share their stories
The program builds information and knowledge about the illness, developing skills to manage daily life, and fosters a different attitude towards caregiving. To maximize the benefit from the program, participants should try to attend all six sessions.
This is a six-part series. When you register for the first session, you are registered for all six meetings. To allow people to feel safe sharing personal stories and to recieve the most benefits from the course, you are encouraged to attend the full program.
For more information and registration, please contact dementiaresources@hitchcock.org or
call 603.653.3484.