Cheshire Medical Center Community Education


Chair Yoga

  • Thursday, April 24, 2025
  • 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Cheshire Medical Center
580 Court St.
Keene, NH 03431
North Conference Room 1&2

Google Maps directions


Maria Lussier 603-354-5454 ext. 2331

1 Going
19 remaining

Chair Yoga is a gentle form of yoga practiced sitting in a chair or standing while using a chair for support. As with other forms of yoga, this exercise helps to reduce stress and improves balance, strength and flexibility.

Who should sign up?

  • Someone who may be uncomfortable getting onto the floor or doing traditional methods of movement
  • If you have no experience with yoga OR if you have attended chair yoga before
  • If you are looking for an evening of relaxing movement and connecting with your peers

Meet your presenter: Anita Kintisch

Anita is a long time yoga practitioner and instructor who believes in the transformative powers of yoga.  She recently completed a chair yoga training with Lakshmi Voelker, author of “Get Fit Where You Sit”, and hopes to encourage all participants in the joy of mindful movement.